business travel

Three ways to prepare for a return to business travel in a post-Covid world

3 Key Ways to Prepare for the Return of Business Travel in a Post-Pandemic World

The effects of COVID-19 have been felt to varying degrees across industry sectors in all corners of the globe. Business travel, in particular, had an average growth rate of 5.1% annually over a period of 10 consecutive years before the true financial impact of the pandemic could be accounted for in the second quarter of 2020. A sharp decline had been recorded by the end of 2020, according to the Global Business Travel Association – a sobering look into the bleak reality caused by the pandemic.

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This week in business travel - 28 August 2020

This Week’s Business Travel Insights: August 28th, 2020

On August 26th, Skift’s Sean O’Neill reported banking and finance giant Capital One’s acquisition of Freebird. Freebird offers smarter flight insurance and disruption services and is a very interesting acquisition for a card provider to augment its existing insurance offerings as well as potentially include ‘smart insurance’ to its credit card users.

This Week’s Business Travel Insights: August 28th, 2020 Read More »

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Revolutionizing Corporate Travel Management: Unlocking Savings and Streamlining Efficiency

Fresh eyes are often vital to looking at the way we do things, particularly in the world of corporate travel management. New ideas and innovative ways of working often work their way into new industries with fresh blood. We had the opportunity to sit down with Oversee’s EVP of Global Sales, Richard Woolf and discover his experiences navigating the business travel world.

Revolutionizing Corporate Travel Management: Unlocking Savings and Streamlining Efficiency Read More »

When will Business Travel Return?

It’s fair that travel managers look at as many forecasts as they can to prepare for the inevitable resumption and increase in business travel. But what realistic sources can you use as bellwethers for an inherently unpredictable situation? With fluctuating supply, and demand that will ebb and flow based on business needs and government restrictions it seems an impossible task, lest we forget how airline pricing mechanisms will cope with these market fluctuations.

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Managing and Prioritizing Airline Refunds During a Pandemic

Research conducted by Oversee shows that millions of dollars are still tied up in flights that are unlikely to ever be flown. With government advice and travel restrictions extending month-over-month, prioritising and organizing refunds is high on every travel manager’s agenda right now.
As IROPS, repatriation and duty-of-care priorities abate, the financial implications and liquidity are fast becoming the most important issue in travel management.

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