The Evolving Role of Travel Managers in Optimizing Business Travel Spend

As businesses grapple with the complexities of post-pandemic travel and the gradual return to normalcy, the pivotal role of Travel Managers becomes increasingly evident. In addition to navigating the uncertainties brought about by the pandemic, Travel Managers must traverse a multitude of challenges, including managing permissions and approvals, ensuring traveler safety and awareness, renegotiating supplier contracts, and revising policies.

Role Of Travel Managers In Travel Program Innovation

To this end, BTN’s 39th annual Travel Manager Survey highlights the growing need for companies to recognize—and retain—their Travel Managers. 

According to the survey, business travel savings remain paramount in evaluating Travel Managers’ performance. Additionally, technology implementation has emerged as a key criterion, highlighting the need for proactive sourcing of tech solutions beyond traditional Travel Management Companies (TMCs).

At this crossroad, air price assurance solutions emerge as a critical tool for Travel Managers. By leveraging price assurance solutions, Travel Managers achieve significant cost savings, aligning with company-wide strategies for cost avoidance.

Leverage Cost-Effective Price Assurance Solution

When your travel budget doesn’t cover software purchases, opt for an air price assurance solution that pays for itself. Oversee’s pricing is based on a success fee, meaning no pay-per-PNR charges, implementation fees or maintenance costs.

Manage And Streamline Travel Programs With Oversee

Oversee’s price assurance solution empowers Travel Managers to optimize travel programs and achieve tangible savings on business travel. With products like Faresaver and Hotelsaver, Travel Managers streamline operations, maximize travel savings, and drive travel program innovation.

Schedule a demo with our travel savings solution experts to learn how Oversee can transform your enterprise’s travel management and unlock substantial travel savings.

Make the mark with Oversee

If you want to introduce innovation to your enterprise, please schedule a demo with our solution experts. With price assurance technologies such as Oversee, and products like our Faresaver and Hotelsaver, travel managers across the globe are enjoying tangible savings, high returns on travel investment, and more efficient and streamlined travel programs. And can you too!

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Our solutions experts are here to listen and share how your peers leverage Price Assurance and Program Optimization. Let us show you how we can support you, your company, and your travelers.
