Oversee Hotel Reshopping Solution Announced at GBTA

We are adding a Hotel Price Assurance solution

Oversee proudly announced at GBTA Orlando that we are adding a Hotels solution product to our existing (and, might we add, award-winning) air re-shop platform! This latest addition, currently in its final beta round, will enable travel and finance leaders to access the best available hotel rates for corporate travel, from pre-booking until check-in. The solution uses multi-channel data, is backed by powerful AI, and will deliver a fully automated, global hotel re-shop functionality alongside robust rate benchmarking and travel policy optimization tools, all of which can be easily digested from one singular platform – in real-time.

Answering our customers requests

After many client requests and months of strategic planning and beta testing, we are thrilled to finally bring a hotel solution to our platform, particularly in the current climate of highly volatile price fluctuations plaguing the industry. This global solution was crafted to match the power of our flagship price assurance tool to deliver the same savings to hotel reservations that we currently deliver for flights - and so far, we see impressive results.

Excitement at GBTA

Watch below as our CEO talks hotel reshopping and the return of business travel with Monisa Cline at the GBTA Broadcast Studio:

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