Navigating Sustainable Travel: Why Data is Key

It all starts with travel data

It’s no secret that traveling is one of the most significant impacts an individual can have on the planet. As corporate travel is fast returning to the norm, it is necessary to carefully assess company travel programs to ensure an even more responsible and sustainable approach to travel than ever before.

More than just CO2

As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, we must consider more than just carbon dioxide emissions in sustainable travel. We must also consider the more minor contributors that negatively affect sustainability in greater detail.
For example, instead of relying on a company or route’s CO2 footprint, we need to look at individual flights.

Additionally, businesses looking at CO2 footprints do not want to do so in a vacuum. As they are primarily businesses, they need to strike a balance between sustainability and affordability. This means that practical details like average ticket prices are also helpful.

Other factors in sustainable travel

In addition to more closely monitoring carbon dioxide emissions at various levels, the aviation industry is working on other innovations to improve sustainability.

For example, contrails, the condensation trails planes emit, can release nitrogen oxides, aerosols, and other non-carbon impacts. However, they are typically only produced if the aircraft fly in narrow atmospheric bands with enough humidity and coldness. Although research into this is still in its early stage, a study that modeled Japanese aerospace found that simply avoiding routes that go through these atmospheric bands could dramatically reduce contrails’ effects on the climate.

Data IS the key to sustainable travel.


Having access to data is the key to sustainable and environmentally responsible travel. Access to the correct data gives you insight into which travel decisions have the slightest impact. This allows companies with many business travelers to minimize their environmental impact.

When you have access to the correct data, you can make informed decisions that maximize your trips’ sustainability and profitability. Having accurate data in front of travel decision-makers enables them always to remain informed.

Having cohesive, holistic data is crucial.

While sustainability is increasingly important in business travel decisions, it is far from the only factor. Making sustainable, environmentally responsible decisions should not come to the detriment of your business’s bottom line. 

Additionally, you don’t want to sacrifice employee well-being for sustainability for similar reasons, although the relationship is more indirect. Remember that burnt-out or travel-fatigued employees will not work as efficiently, which hurts productivity and, as a result, profits.

Oversee delivers data


Using a service like Oversee is the most efficient and effective method of assessing data to enable responsible travel. These services allow you to access high-level data easily. This data lets you get the best possible prices while achieving environmentally responsible goals, such as unnecessary flights taken, employee wellness, and responsible spending.

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